Yesterday night having a 1st online TUOS, and happendly just would liketo sahre a story of a boy, and unaccidentally talk about the background of the boy,
indly, ALEX help remind of the confidentiality and remain client identity.
The ethics in Counselling and Psychotherapy is much much important to help maintain the identity or client's problem. As Counsellor or Psychology they assert they are skilled in helping others people with their personal problems, that they deserved to have licenced or certified by state ang Goverment thay have the right to fair payment for the helping profession. and To be responsible professional, the counsellor must show's it competency to intervention and bring good result for client. so, it is important that Ethics is apply in professional work.
i remember that when i am taking this Ethical Conduct, it's is crazyly to memorieze all the rules and regulation, doing case study with lecturer aboutwhat can be do, how things can be done, also if there is risk, or client do harm, shall a counsellor reveal the confidentiality, the limitation, the dual relationship and so on..... that's is student time, NOW, i am doing the real work, there is no more case study for my self... so, maintaining the client's profile, client's record, respect client's dignity will be my privillege. YET, in my workplace, it is hard to maintain as the needs to reveal to certain parties, like the Social Welfare officer who as Children Protector, the Police Department and also the bind by Court Order.
Looking at this part, i should be gain more awareness and consent on the duty to break. Today,
i am revising the Ethic in Counselling and Psychotherapy, standards, Research, and Emerging Issues (2nd Edt. by Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel), of ACA and APA codes of ethics. The ethics of both ACA and APA refer extensively to confidentiality, emphasizing is place at the foundation of professional behavior. yet, in Malaysia, there is Board of Counsellor who play the same role as screening role, and maintaining the qualification of the counsellor. and there is also a Counsellor Act 1998 [Act 580] and Regulations abide the counsellor who should registered.
Under sec. 3 Code of Conduct
(1) A registered counsellor shall abide by the Counsellor Act 1998 and perform his duties accordingly.
(2) In order to uphold and maintain the dignity, standing and reputation of a counsellor, a registered counsellor shall -
(a) always given priority to interest of his client and not exploit the client for his personal interest;
(b) respect the rights of the client to privacy and treat all information gathered during the counselling as confidential unless, in the opinion of the counselor, the information so gathereed is or is deemed to be detrimental to the client or others around him;
(c) protect the physical and psychological well being of his client;
(d) inform the client that the client is responsible for his own development and bahvior and that the registered counsellor shall respect all decisions made by the client thereafter
(e) explain to the client of the needs, processes and implications of the counselling service; and
(f) refer the client to a relevant specialist if the registered counsellor finds that the client requires expert service which is outside his own expertise.
(3) In regard to the responsibility of a registered counsellor towards his organization and employer, a registered counsellor -
(a) shall be responsible in explaining to his employer and organization the level of his expertise and efficiency in counselling;
(b) shall establish interpersonal relationships and working agreements with his supervisor and staff, with regards to the confidentiality of information received, differences in general and personal facts, work load and accountability as a counsellor; and
(c) shall subject himself to professional assessment by the Bpar from time to time
In the Small World Play,
we suggested that, jus based on the 6 principal of ethics framework will do. Small world play is something fun, to play, to make connection with reality environment of children and his unconscious emotion. while, anybody would do, if they received training 'as usual, grounds rules apply, and :-
1. Fidelity : honouring the trust placed in the practitioner
2. Autonomy: respect children's right to be self-governing - interests of the child are paramount
3. Beneficence: Promoting the children's well being
4. Non-Maleficence - Avoid Harming the client
5. Justice: fair impartial treatment, equitable access
6. Self-respect: Practitioner's self acknowledge and care for self
Below is the book published by Board of Counsellor Malaysia
The standard of practice Counsellor- Qualification and Training
Piawai dan Kelayakan Latihan KaunselorDisediakan oleh Jawatankuasa Teknikal Pendidikan dan Latihan Lembaga Kaunselor 2003
Counsellor (Registration And practising Certificate) regulations 1999
Peraturan-peraturan KaunselorKelakuan dan Tatatertib Pendaftaran dan Perakuan Amalan 1999
Counsellor Code of Conduct
Kod Etika Kaunselor
Counsellor Act 1998 (act 580) and regulations
Undang-Undang Malaysia
Akta Kaunselor 1998 (Akta 580)
Yes, totally agree with you on maintaining confidentiality. But at times, either intentionally or unintentionally we might slip up. That's why there is always a need to make a conscious effort not to divulge any names and to keep the person annonymous.
Just to share a separate case - once I was conducting a Stress Management training programme to a group of teachers. I shared a personal story on how stressed I was in my previous job when I had to handle a project in a quarry (now my ex-customer). I didn't mention any names, except that the quarry was on the mainland side and the people there were so old, rough and tough, and there I was this young "chiku" trying to teach them on environmental protection (they were going for ISO14001 certification). One of the workers there even said "I eat salt more than you eat rice" thingy... imagine having to deal with this group of people... really stress!
But of course, I also shared how I overcame the situation. GUESS WHAT???? A few weeks later, I had a phone call from my ex-customer (whom I haven't heard in ages) called me up and said, "Jo... what have you been telling people about me?" Of course, I played dumb and asked, "Huh? What do you mean..." He replied,"Well, I met with this teacher the other day at the kopitiam and she said that you said... blah, blah, blah" Imagine that teacher actually after hearing my story tried to deduce where the quarry was and put 2+2 togeter and came out with 5. FANTASTIC!!! Luckily, my ex-customer took the joke and also luckily I had a good customer relationship with him that we had a laugh over the whole matter.
Now the moral of the story is....
oops... by the way, am able to post comments as now giving a test to a student. A bit boring just looking at him. So decided to check on your blogs. But please... don't let my boss know, ok... he he he
hahaha.. to release ur tension... i understand...
just feel hard to maintain the confidentiality, as people are "so ba gua" and busybody. Oh... i am thinking of last time i was student counsellor in academic setting, under Department of Student Affairs, the lecturer and the staff so curious and want to know what the "counsellor" talk to the students...
hai~~ human..human...
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