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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Symbols and Symbolism from Alex

Today, i received email from Alex, regarding the symbols and symbolism documents. This is year 2006 CPPD program on the symbols and symbolism. To say that this will consider in preparing us to consult our ‘higher consciousnesses’ or ‘SELF’, are drawn from the Tarot decks.

i have no ideas about symbol, but somehow, in my work, i found that symbols is part of the things that i need to understand, for my own and also my clients.

i decided to google online and read out, what's the meaning of "SYMBOLs"

A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention. For example, a red octagon may stand for "STOP". On maps, crossed sabres may indicate a battlefield. Numerals are symbols for numbers.
All language consists of symbols. The word "cat" is not a cat, but represents the idea of a cat.
Psychology has found that people, and even animals, can respond to symbols as if they were the objects they represent. Pavlov's dogs salivated when they heard a sound which they associated with food, even if there was no food. Common psychological symbols include a gun to represent a penis or a tunnel to represent a vagina.[1] See: phallic symbol and yonic symbol.
The psychologist, Carl Jung, who studied archetypes, proposed an alternative definition of symbol, distinguishing it from the term "sign". In Jung's view, a sign stands for something known, as a word stands for its referent. He contrasted this with symbol, which he used to stand for something that is unknown and that cannot be made clear or precise. An example of a symbol in this sense is Christ as a symbol of the archetype called "self".[2]

from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbol

it let me think of ancient time, those old days, when language is not develop yet, people using symbols to record, to memorize, and to communicate with each other.

thinking again...

what kind of symbol i had ever seen in my daily life...
interestingly, i found that this symbol, is the symbols i had seen daily everywehere

it contain the religious, life, and when i see the picture, i definitely know, what's it's mean and how should i go

i have some basic understanding on symbols and it's like a new page of knowledge to me.
hmm... interesting...
each of us carry different symbol in our daily life, i think by conscious and unconsciously, the symbol do make some meaning. yet, we can't judge the person who wear the symbols....

happend to find a website on symbols and religious, just have a look...


Jo said...

Hmm... interesting... I used to love collecting frog figurines. But how it started was I was in Spain and found these cute little frog figurines and that was how I got hooked into collecting frog figurines. My mom was saying that I'm waiting for my "Prince Charming"... hmmm, maybe some truth in it. He he he. But now, after reading through the symbols list, I'm glad that frogs have a positive meaning. However, my craze of collecting frog figurines have passed, so has my passion for handbags and watches. Might be due to the economic situation? Go figure...

dingiling_hlj@hotmail.com said...

i remember i start to collect the stamps, and play card when i am a children. i am not really loved to collecting figures, but; after i attended the sandplay therapy workshop, i was touch by the psyche power on self-healing that integrate the practice of Zen, Buddhisim, and also Jungian perspective. and from there, i start to fall in love with play

Alex Chew said...

What is the difference between a sign and a symbol?

Alex Chew said...

Take my previous question back...I noticed you have the quote from Jung that address the difference