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Monday, June 8, 2009

log in to creativeFrequency

ya, Today i m spending my time to listen to Alex "air wave"
He is having conversation on Min See and Chriz, Counsellor from UK at http://creativefrequency.blogspot.com .

they are talking about the story and, how is the character of the story, and how the story can be process, in the therapeutic process. and meaning behind the story

i think, for play itself, children/client have their own story too...
this is to be duty of a therapis or counsellor to look depth into client's inner world, understanding of the psychic world, the theme underlying unconscious mind needs

after listening to the conversation, it opend my mind and having relection on the meaning of the story for each. i need to be more alert of the story showing by the clients and looking at their archytype and thinking process which is more closer to unconcious, the ego and so as the spots area shown in the tray.

still have long way to go.... learning never be ends...
it's just a beginning for me :) hah..

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