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Monday, June 22, 2009

Published mind map : Small World Play

i remember, alex said to me, how if i can publish it without upload the JPEG file, but embeded from mind map to blog

today i manage to do so.

it's easy, if i wiling to learn. i felt that throughout the ALS e-learning module, this ICT is seems become easier and make me convenient to work.

what i need to do is click on publish

Check the Publish map to internet option and copy the respective URLs to the clipboard.

If you do not want your map to appear in the Public Maps dialog you can enter a password. All URLs will per default include the password so your users can still get to the map without knowing it. You also have the option to delete the passord parameter from the URL you are using - in this case your users will be prompted to enter the password when connecting to the map.

You can publish your map as a WikiMap to enable read and write access for every MindMeister user.

The following URLs are provided:

  • URL: e.g. for adding to an email message
  • Direct link: for linking from a web page or blog
  • Embed code: for directly displaying the mind map on your website, or integrating it into your blog in an inline frame

You can play around with the width, height and zoom parameters to the IFRAME request to make the map fit your desired dimensions.


rainbow said...

Congrats... there is always so much and so much to learn.... its just continuous. Thanks for sharing and teaching too!!

PN said...

Thanks for the sharing! I have tried to create a mind map just now.

Art of Bounce CCAT Melinda said...

Good work, X10, for being non-stop on surprising us. Well done.

dingiling_hlj@hotmail.com said...

wow.. wow...
because you guys motivated me to do so... and got ALEX
our handsome and adorable advidor to look after us... have to let him know that "we" are learning in ALS setting :)

haha.. just a jokes...
hope it help lah