



请大家多多指教 :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

SWC: sandplay-5

This is the nombor 5th session i am with HIM, i name him WC
He is 10 years old, Male, Chinese, normal children
refer by mother after a traumatic inccident happends in school
mother said he is vhanging his behavior from active to passive, and reluctant go to school, from willing to share of his though become withdrawel and unable to work on his own.
Mother is worried that hs might experience the trauma, so, would like to seek fro help.
The incident is: WC was emotionally assault by his school teacher who is trying to make him embarassh in front of all the classmates, the teacher also used the needle to impale him, pull his hair, and punish him in class.

according to mother, there is a time when he had forgot to pass up some excersise work to the teacher, the teacher make a banner to put on WC and asked WC to walked around when the school release. On the banner (board) with writing on "i am lazy worm" (in mandarin). WC experience low self esteen, and he becames a scapegoat of teacher. whenever the teachers teaching, WC will get scolded. somemore, the teacher also read out his personal diary which suppose have to be personal, (is a homework, students need to write what happend in daily/weekly then submit to teacher as training to enhance writing skills) but the teacher make it as public and read out loudly in class, gave negative comments.

afterwards, WC never write, mothers said, WC will write some creation story... things that's not real in life, and play..

This play is regarding the anger of WC
he said he is just like Volcano would like to explode.the volcano is beside the tree,
beside the tree, there is a coklat colour object.
the volcano have a water inside
so that the volcano won't get explode


Alex Chew said...

Ok, make sense of the SWP. Do a literal description; free associate with each element within the small world, any symbolic connection, do a spatial analysis of the relationships between the objects; in his description,any metaphors being used, predominant emotions conveyed and chronological and emergent behaviour of the creator during the process???? These are some of the questions that will help you to make sense of whats on the tray. Need supervision to work with it further rather than the limitation of this space. Do teachers ever get charged here in Msia with assault and battery for using physical and psychological violence on children?

dingiling_hlj@hotmail.com said...

In Malaysia, we have the CHILD ACT 2001 and the PENAL CODE to protect the victim, but sadly in Malaysia, it is not an easy task to drag the teacher who is abuser to court just because of emotional abused..because it needs evidence and how the police department (PDRM) can open the investigation file, collect the evidence; and if the abuser is diagnosed as mental illness, he will free from discharge.